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205 Reviews

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Student, Rien, 13
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
16 August, 2024

Helpful, but repetitive

Thank you for teaching me how to type Leo and Daniel. You made my learning fun.

Student, Sid, 12
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
16 August, 2024


I learnt a lot in this course and I had lots of fun especially in the breaks when we played mafia.

Student, Nils, 12
Residential Camp
Python - Coder
16 August, 2024

My review

It was fun and I learned a lot :)

Student, Grace, 11
Virtual Camp
Python - OOP
9 August, 2024

fun tech


Parent, Jane

Hackathon - Cyber Security
5 October, 2023

Response Added


I did provide verbal feedback to one of your colleagues after the course but I'll try and summarise it, seems a long time ago already! Sophocles had been looking forward to the course for months and he enjoyed his time. The first morning was a little frustrating as despite the reminders you had s...


FunTech Response

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback; we genuinely appreciate it.

Regarding the software installation issue on the first day of the Hackathon - Cyber Security course, I'd like to clarify that FunTech provide all the necessary laptops, which eliminates the need for any software installation.

The first day of the course is designed to ensure that all children start from a common point. While some students may be more advanced, others may require more guidance. After reviewing the notes and videos from the first day, it seems that Sophocles was actively engaged at his computer. Nevertheless, we acknowledge your point about the pace, and, moving forward, we will encourage students to inform tutors when they've completed a task. This will enable us to offer additional extension exercises to meet varying skill levels.

As for break times, our policy includes two morning breaks, two afternoon breaks, and lunchtime during which all children are encouraged to go outside and make the most of the school's play areas.

Your input on the mobile phone policy is well-noted. We understand that different families have varying preferences in this regard. To address this, we will be introducing a yellow card and red card policy starting in 2024. During lesson time, students will need permission to use their phones. A yellow card will be issued for the first offense, and should it happen again, a red card will follow, resulting in phone confiscation. We hope this solution accommodates the preferences of all parents and fosters a conducive learning environment.

We genuinely value your insights, and they help us enhance the FunTech experience for all our students. Thank you for your feedback, and we're looking forward to continually improving our courses.

Student, Zenobia, 7
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Mod Developer
18 August, 2023

Funtech Minecraft

I love ❤️

Student, Toby, 13
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
28 July, 2023


it was fine bit boring at times but ok

Student, Lukas, 12
PureCoder Level 1
5 July, 2023

summer break end of fun-tech .

The fun-tech lessons as a whole were very interesting and even though some of the lessons were quite difficult i enjoyed them.

Student, Anoushka, 12
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
2 September, 2022

Anoushka's review

The overall course was fun.
There were parts that were a bit boring but when learning something there always is.
I enjoyed making the games the most.
Especially the rock,paper scissors and the end of course games.

Student, Mason, 10
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
26 August, 2022

Response Added


i am so happy that get to leave funtech

FunTech Response

I am really sorry to hear this. I believe you were originally on the Redstone camp, which you didn't enjoy and so we switched you to Python, which again sadly you did not enjoy. We did offer other options, but you wanted to continue on the Python camp.

Student, Amandeep, 11
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
26 August, 2022


i liked it but sometimes it is a bit hard and annoying

Student, Anna, 7
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
26 August, 2022

it was GOOD!

on the first day I was not sure but by the last day I LOVED IT

Student, James, 15
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
26 August, 2022

Response Added


basicaly sitting in front of a computer screen, apart from activities no different from getting an account online at home. average experience. lead supervisor jma was a bit stingy

FunTech Response

I am sorry that you did not enjoy the course. However, I have to back our lead supervisor as you were trying to play games during the course that we felt were highly inappropriate. 

Student, Aidan, 14
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
26 August, 2022

Response Added

Funtech Camp - Generally Good

The camp was alright. I disliked the removal of tokens part. The course however was good. In "Fun typer", the website they use, fun typer is interactive, educational and makes you want to improve your speeds and typing. The younger kids struggle with this though. It is a good camp,fun but one imp...


FunTech Response

The reason we use laptops rather than desktops, is because most children work on a laptop. Plus if you can type on a laptop then typing on a desktop is very easy!

Student, Charlie, 12
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
26 August, 2022

3 star

it was fine very simple but highly efficient

Student, Damien, 11
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
26 August, 2022



Student, Millicent, 13
Residential Camp
Hackathon - Cyber Security
26 August, 2022

Response Added

Cyber Security- Hackathon

Sam and Beatriz were absolutely amazing tutors who made the experience a lot better however the course wasn't for me, the residential was not suitable, the evening activities was underwhelming and it wasn't catered for the older students who wanted to relax at night and not necessarily watch Spo...


FunTech Response

Sorry to hear that the course wasn't for you. We don't often find this, however, wish you had told us earlier in the week as we may have been able to swap you to another course.

The evening activity options were: Scuba, Dodge Ball, Games Night, Movie Night.

For Movie Night, I believe the choice was Cast Away (Older ones), Encanto (Junior Ones).

I appreciate that you wanted to go straight to your room after dinner, however we do think it’s important to either socialise with the others or just chill in the common area.

Student, Wilf, 13
In-Person Camp
A.I. - Machine Learning
26 August, 2022

AI- good, but not the best

This course is middling (in my opinion) for a one main reason: the first few days of content were boring. There's no way around, days one and two, and parts of day 3, consisted of copying code of the board and being told things. However, the final two days were excellent, and I had plenty of free...


Student, Dominic, 10
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
26 August, 2022


should have more khaoot but good

Student, Theo, 11
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
26 August, 2022

Response Added

This course is not quite as fun as i expected

Unfortuatly i felt that this course did not manage my expectations for it and i found that the lunch break was way too long and the breaks in between working times were too frequent.

FunTech Response

I hear that you would have spent all your time at the computer, including having a very, very short lunch break so that you can continue with your work.

I am sorry to read that you didn't like to take the breaks. However, it is our policy to ensure everyone takes regular screen breaks.

Two fifteen minute breaks in the morning and afternoon plus one hour for lunch does not seem too excessive.

That said, I hear that you did amazing work!

Student, Khaled, 13
In-Person Camp
A.I. - Machine Learning
19 August, 2022

Response Added

Ok course

Course was a bit over complicated, and explaining videos didnt really explain anything.
Tutor was good, also someone hacked me.

FunTech Response

I am sorry you found the course challenging. 

We have checked with the tutor and the feedback is that the videos didn't work for you as the content was rather complex and therefore David explained them to you on a more personal level.

With reference to someone hacking you, I believe another student in the class who had take the cybersecurity course previously, was showing you how ncat could be used to access your computer on LAN.

Sadly, I think this course ended up being far too technical which is the aspect I don't think you enjoyed.

Student, Sophie, 12
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
19 August, 2022

Response Added


I did the touch typing course and have mixed feelings. Pros: The instructors are really nice and make the breaks fun, with Kahoot and other games. Cons: the coursework is tedious at times, with the games getting boring after an hour or so. The sessions feel rather long and get tiresome after a...


FunTech Response

I am so sorry that you did not enjoy the course.

Touch typing is sadly all about repetition and so we try to make it as game driven as possible, but including tokens, prizes and so on. 

However, without repetitive typing there is now way to build touch typing muscle memory.

Parent, Melissa
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Mod Developer
13 August, 2022

Response Added

Great immersion, pricey

This was our first time at a FunTech residential camp, although my kids have been going to sleep-away camps for years. Competent, well-trained staff and very nice facility. For the price I was expecting more: surprised that it wasn’t a full week (5 nights only); no swag (typically a camp will...


FunTech Response

Our website  clearly states that our residential camp is a five night stay. During booking there is an option for an extended stay, for a small fee, that includes Friday and Saturday night.

With reference to 'swag' which I presume is a goodie bag - with the current economic climate, the pricing for goodie bags was astronomical and instead of increasing the fees we decided to not include.

The silicone bracelet was more for the operations team, to be aware of the children who were on the residential camp as opposed to day students.

All emails that are addressed to, come into our mailbox, which also allows for any spelling errors.

The telephone number and email on our welcome pack are correct and have been the same since 1996. 

I can only apologise for not getting back to you, though we have no messages or emails that are outstanding, so not sure where these were sent.

We feel that our residential location is outstanding, one of the top schools in the country for which we have to pay a hefty price tag. 

In addition our residential has a dedicated pastoral team and the children do premium activities for example scuba diving.

FunTech make a huge investment in curricula development and tutor training, delivering outstanding quality which is why our courses are successful.

That said, I am glad to read that you thought it was great immersion and your son had a good week of coding.

Student, Alaric, 8
In-Person Camp
Roblox - Game Designer
12 August, 2022

Response Added


I would do Funtech again next year but I want a teacher that isn't being silly begging me to get the answers wrong.

FunTech Response

Looking at the class videos, I think the tutor was asking are you definitely sure that you have got the answer correct.

However, next year we'll make sure that the tutor accepts your first answer.

Student, Alexander, 12
In-Person Camp
Roblox - Game Developer
12 August, 2022

I loved it but also not

We had to sit in the hot sun and had way too many breaks. Although the staff were really nice.

Student, Santiago, 8
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
12 August, 2022

Response Added

to make the days shorter

you could take half an hour to one hour and a half

when i mean 3.7 stars


FunTech Response

I am sorry you found the days too long and wanted longer breaks, same as your brother.

We do have two 15 minute morning and afternoon breaks and an hour for lunch.

Sadly two 30 minute breaks in the morning and afternoon with an hour and a half for lunch would be a little too much.

Though you could have asked the tutors for a few more shorter 5 minute breaks to make it a better experience.

Student, Max, 10
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
12 August, 2022

Response Added


To make it beter you could make the day shorter and make the brackes 5 mins longer

From MAX
PS: I mean 3.5 stars

FunTech Response

I am sorry you found the days too long. 

We do have two 15 minute morning and afternoon breaks and an hour for lunch.

I wish you had asked the tutors for a few more breaks to make it a better experience.

Student, Sam, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
12 August, 2022

Response Added

it was alr but it got kinda boring

its good but after a while it can get boring

FunTech Response

You were extremely good at coding and managed to pick-up the concepts quickly. 

The tutors did offer you additional extension challenges, which sadly you declined to do, which perhaps resulted in you being bored?

Sorry it didn't meet with your expectations.

Student, Theo, 13
In-Person Camp
Hackathon - Cyber Security
5 August, 2022

Response Added


It was alright! very tiring and I had to take a LOT of breaks throughout but I think I learned something. Thanks a lot FunTech!

FunTech Response

Sorry to hear you found it very tiring. As a standard we take two 15 minute breaks in the morning, two in the afternoon plus an hour for lunch.

However, this course is very technical and so perhaps that made it a lot more intense.

Student, Olly, 9
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Mod Developer
5 August, 2022

Response Added

funtech is cool!

it was really good as well as it being fun [like in the name FUNtech] and i looked forward to it everyday. Also, i made a friend. it was the best camp ever [apart from the roblox one] and if i could, i would come again. but there were two things that made me take two stars away which were [1] m...


FunTech Response

I am sorry that you and your friend had to restart your workspace, however, sadly we cannot control computers crashing especially for the creative courses where lots of elements are added.

I checked with your tutor and he tells me you are both fully caught up and have working games!

Student, Ludovico, 13
In-Person Camp
3D Game Design - Developer
5 August, 2022

Response Added


to long

FunTech Response

Sorry you found the days too long. 

Perhaps half day virtual camps would be better suit to you?

Student, George, 11
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
5 August, 2022

Response Added

ok course

the course was pretty fun altogether. what let it down was the reinforcement of some of the skills because i felt like i didn't get enough time to reinforcement some of the skills until near the end of the course.

FunTech Response

I am sorry to hear that you were let down by reinforcement. We checked your daily feedback, and sadly you did not mention anything in there, otherwise we would have organised some additional time for you.

However, after checking with you, I am glad you feel that the reinforcement for the course did happen for you by the end of the course.

Student, Kabir, 10
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
5 August, 2022

Response Added

it was good

the curriculum was very good but the teaching was not that good

FunTech Response

We did pick up on this on your daily feedback and called your father to see if we could do anything to adapt our teaching style.

However, he told us that you were getting a lot out of the course and so not to change anything.

Student, Daniel, 13
In-Person Camp
Hackathon - Cyber Security
29 July, 2022

Cookie good

I borught a cookie to the hack course and I got the cookie from the srefer computrer hack good:).

Student, Mae, 13
18 July, 2022

Funtech review

the funtec

Student, Mehher, 8
16 July, 2022

I liked doing filmora.

I liked doing music and video editing and making my own game..
when I did movie editing I liked it because I felt more creative.
Making a game was good but I liked making music more.
All three subjects were fun but one was also more fun
than the other!

Student, Magnus, 9
13 July, 2022

It was fun!!!

I really liked it

Student, Arran, 12
PureCoder Level 1
12 July, 2022

Response Added

My Funtech year

This year I found that the lessons were a bit more dull. Even though they were very beneficial, I also found it quite boring. Next year I hope for the courses to be a bit more fun, but just as much tech!

FunTech Response

Sorry to read you found the lesson a little dull, compared to the courses you have completed over the previous three years. 

I will pass on your comments to the Exams Team as you are scheduled for the iGCSE course next!

See you again in September!

Parent, Ashleigh
Virtual Camp
7 January, 2022

Great Courses but not very kind to computer illiterate parents as everything is online

My Children have enjoyed the courses at Funtech and although expensive I think they are worth it. Their Computer Support Guy Lucas is amazing and helps download the programmes the children need. My only gripe is all messages are all on the website so you will get a text message on your phone th...


Parent, Sabrina
In-Person Camp
3D Game Design - Developer
2 September, 2021

very nice camp

my son enjoyed his week at fun tech in London. Thanks for the support.

Student, Samuel, 10
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
20 August, 2021


A bit boring at the end. Honestly I was bored 35-40% of the time. :|

Student, Miles, 13
Virtual Camp
Java - Coder
20 August, 2021


it was intresting

Student, Alexander, 12
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
13 August, 2021

minecraft review

it was fun but to be honest i knew like 9/10 of this stuff. most of this stuff i know and i didnt rally learn much. the funtech people are nice though and i did have a great time - but just no on the learning.

Student, Evie, 13
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
13 August, 2021


I got quite bored because of how long it was each day (8hrs) but they did well to keep me motivated, (by giving us counters and the counters were exchanged for gift cards depending on how many we had).

Student, Thomas, 11
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
6 August, 2021

i wish i was at home

you happy i lost another week of my holiday

Student, Isha, 7
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Virtual Bots
6 August, 2021


it was some point it was boring but its fun.

Student, Ria, 11
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Virtual Bots
6 August, 2021

Lego Robotics

I found this course very fun and would suggest it to any kids aged 5-10! I learned a lot about how to create and code the Lego robots as well as trying to get out of mazes and more. The game outside was one of the highlights as we played capture the flag, chicken, hero, twin etc.. :)

Student, Finn, 8
In-Person Camp
Roblox - Game Designer
6 August, 2021

it was good

i like it couse it was fun and i made frends and i leant how to make roblox games

Student, Salo, 14
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
6 August, 2021

funtech review

informative but classes were a little too long

Student, Austin, 9
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Virtual Bots
6 August, 2021

lego robotics

it was good but even though we did some building we had to use the techers bild