Call us: 01628 621216

Location Camps | Terms & Conditions

  • Terms & Conditions
  • Payments



All fees are payable prior to the start of the course. If payment has not been made, a late fee of £20 will be applied.

Foreign Payments and Bank Charges

Please ensure that you have settled any bank charges associated with international payments and full fees reach FunTech Limited.



Cancellation by FunTech Limited

A minimum of 4 pupils is required for the camp to run. FunTech Limited reserves the right to cancel the camp, no later than 5 days prior to course commencement date.

Should a camp be cancelled by FunTech Limited, a 100% refund will be made.

Cancellations by Force Majeure

FunTech may cancel bookings in exceptional circumstances deemed beyond FunTech’s control such as fire, breakout of a contagious disease, any notifiable disease or where it is prohibited or inadvisable to host at a current location.

If such a situation were to arise, FunTech will offer:

  1. a bus transfer to the nearest alternative location
  2. a virtual tutor-led class.

In the event where FunTech cannot offer an alternative solution, a full refund will be given. Please note if you decide to cancel on your own accord when an alternative has been offered, no refunds will be given.

Cancelling your Booking

Refunds are dependent on the promotion and/or the amount of notice that you give us.

Cancellations must be made in writing, by email, to Proof of cancellation is only accepted if you have a confirmation email from FunTech. We do not accept cancellation by telephone or any other methods.

February Sale Bookings

Camp fee is non-refundable.

Early Bird Promotion Bookings

Camp deposit non-refundable.

Notice period for balance

  • 40 days plus = Fee paid less deposit
  • 39-31 days = 50% of fee paid less deposit
  • 30 days or less= No refunds given

Full Fee Bookings

Camp deposit non-refundable.

Notice period for balance

  • 40 days plus = Fee paid less deposit
  • 39-31 days = 50% of fee paid less deposit
  • 30 days or less= No refunds given

Camp Swap

The above feature offers flexibility for all bookings, including bookings made during our February Sale, Early Bird Sale promotions. Your booking may be swapped for an unlimited number of times between all available FunTech Camps, provided:

  • A request is received two weeks prior to a Camp’s booking date
  • There are spaces available at a chosen alternative Camp


Camp Operations

Our camps are offered to children aged between 7 and 16 years. If on arrival, your child is not within these age requirements, you will be asked to collect them as soon as possible and the camp will be non-refundable.

Late Arrivals, Early Departures or Absence

Fees are non-returnable for students arriving late, leaving early or missing a lesson (whether on account of illness or any other cause). If the camp has been booked, then full fees are payable.

Suspension and Expulsion

FunTech Limited reserves the right to suspend or remove any student. We expect every child to behave in a considerate and respectful manner to our staff and other students. We operate a yellow and red card system. If your child receives a red card, we reserve the right to remove them from the course. Under such circumstances, FunTech Limited will be under no obligation to return any fees.

Admission to FunTech Limited

Admission to any of the courses offered by FunTech Limited is at the discretion of the Principal or delegates. No student may be admitted onto a camp until the Fast Track Registration form and Medical Form (if required) have been completed, and the terms and conditions have been signed and returned to FunTech Limited, together with the camp fees.

FunTech Limited Authority

FunTech Limited reserves the right to take whatever steps it reasonably believes to be necessary to maintain discipline and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff and students.

Agreement is given for your child to leave the 1) in the event of an emergency under supervision 2) at the end of the scheduled day, collected by an authorised individual on your booking

Permission is given to administer medication if required. Our safe guarding and complaints policy are available on our website or by request.


FunTech camps implement good practice. The camp consists of sitting at a computer and having regular breaks, including physical activities during lunch breaks.

Enrolments requires you to agree that your child is physically fit to take part in general physical activities. If you have any concerns, please notify FunTech in writing prior to attendance.

Please note that our staff are trained to monitor all activities to provide a safe environment, avoid risks and injuries. However, you accept that there is some risk of injury during these activities. Examples of activities included but not limited to are football, football rounders, ultimate frisbee, capture the flag, large inflatables, Kwik cricket and swimming and may be subject to change at different locations.

FunTech Limited holds valid Public Liability Insurance and is available only on request.

Personal Property

FunTech Limited holds no responsibility for the loss and damage to any personal property brought to camps.

We therefore advise that children do not bring valuables to the camps. If your child needs to call home, we can make a telephone available.

Photography & Videoing at FunTech

From time to time FunTech will take photos and videos of children during their time with us. This content is solely for the use of advertising and marketing which may appear on third party material such as websites and leaflets. By enrolling your child onto a course with us, you are providing your consent to this. For further information on this or to opt out please email us detailing this to Please provide the following information in your email: Name of Child and the course they are attending.


For any queries or concerns about The Childcare Register please contact FunTech Head Office on 01628 621216. For direct queries to Ofsted please contact them on 0300 123 4234 or email

Ofsted's role in registering and regulating childcare can be found here:


Method of Payment

  • Credit Cards / Debit Cards
  • Direct Bank Transfer - bank details below

FunTech Ltd Bank Details: Lloyds TSB Bank, High Street, Maidenhead. Berkshire. SL6 1JS

Paying in GBP (£)

Account Name:
FunTech Limited
Sort Code:
Account Number:
BIC Code:
Child's Name


Paying in USD ($)

Account Name:
FunTech Limited
Sort Code:
Account Number:
BIC Code:
Child's Name


Paying in EUR (€)

Account Name:
FunTech Limited
Sort Code:
Account Number:
BIC Code:
Child's Name

For a list of Childcare Voucher Provider Codes and Tax-Free Children for our Camps please click here