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The Best Summer Camps for Teens with an Inquisitive Mind

Over the last decade there has been an increase in demand for teen summer camps. They can keep your teenager active and engaged, whilst learning new skills, making friends, and seeing new places.

Whilst there are a huge variety of summer camps for teens that you can choose from, not all of them have the added benefit of including structured learning that could help your child get ahead in later life.

However, there are certain teen summer camps in London and the surrounding areas which offer not just a safe environment, but also are designed for teenagers with an inquisitive mind.

FunTech is the UK’s longest-running provider of kids’ coding camps, with fun weekly courses including subjects such as 3D modelling, 3D game design, computer programming, robotics, touch typing, and video game design.

We’ve listed our best summer camps for teens that won’t just keep your children safe and secure during the holidays, but will also provide a fun learning environment focussed on the science and technology (STEM) subjects.

The best 9 tech and coding summer camps for teens


The courses below run in various locations across London as well as Maidenhead, Milton Keynes, Oxford, Reading, Sevenoaks and Tonbridge.

#1: Code-a-Bot: Robot Wars – Ages 10 to 14

This teen coding summer camp lets your child engineer, code, test, and then battle. If you’ve seen the Robot Wars TV series, you should know what to expect.

From Monday to Friday, this weekly tech camp will teach your teenager how to use complex coding commands to control their own LEGO robot.

Come the end of the week it’s time for battle; let the Robot Wars commence!

From an educational perspective, this will take your teenager on a theoretical and practical journey through engineering, creativity, problem solving, and an introduction to visual coding.




#2: 3D Game Design – Ages 10 to 14


If you have a teenager who loves playing video games, this is the ideal summer camp for them. It can help turn their gaming passion into pro-active learning.

Your teen will learn the fundamentals of video game design through to 3D game programming concepts.

At the end of this coding summer camp your teenager will have learned the skills to develop their own multilevel platform video game using the Unreal game engine.

This is one of the most popular summer camps for teens we run, so please do book early to avoid disappointment.



#3: Python Game Developer – Ages 11 to 16


If your teenager already has some experience in coding and programming, the Python Game Developer summer camp will help them take their skills to the next level.

It’s a fast-paced week and will suit a teenager eager to learn, stretch themselves, and expand upon their programming passion.

The camp includes some advanced mathematical concepts and advanced coding tuition, based upon object-orientated programming.

By Friday, your teenager will have developed a collection of interactive 2D video games.




#4: 2D Game Design – Ages 9 to 13

If your child is new to coding and game development, our 2D Game Design teen summer camp will be the perfect introduction.

The course involves hands-on projects and exercises leading up to the end of the week where they will have their own computer game published and ready to take home.

No experience is necessary with this one; just a passion for video games and a desire to learn. It will take your teenager through the whole process of game design from the ground up.

If you need more convincing that this could be the best summer camp for your teen, read a blog post we wrote about how game design can offer kids a bright future.


#5: 3D Modelling – Ages 10 to 14


The 3D modelling and printing industry is said to be worth billions. It’s an industry crying out for new talent. Take a look at these industry projections and see how your child could be at the forefront of this trend.


And what better way to give your teenager a head-start than the FunTech 3D Modelling summer camp?

This course will introduce your child to industry standard techniques as they design their own 3D model which they can eventually print and take home with them.

If your child has patience, thought, creativity, and dedication to intricate work, it could be the ideal teen summer camp this holiday.



#6: Python Coder – Ages 10 to 16


Python is a fantastic programming language for kids due to the minimal and easy to read style. In this summer tech camp, your teenager will learn how to solve problems by writing their own programming code.

We will keep your teenagers occupied and engaged all throughout the day as our team of experienced programming experts teach kids Python in a fun and dynamic format using tools like the Turtle Module.

It’s not just about learning how to code though.

The Python Coder summer camp will help your teenager to develop problem solving skills which can be applied to a wide variety of challenges in school, college, and everyday life.




#7: Cyber Security: Hackathon – Ages 11 to 16


This is the newest summer camp for teens on the FunTech roster of holiday courses, including two hot topics; cyber security and hacking.

If your teenager has expressed an interest in hacking, these daily lessons will take that passion and flip it on its head by teaching them to hack responsibly.

What do we mean by that? We will teach your teenager different techniques that hackers use to gain access to systems, and how to prevent this from happening.

There is a growing demand for cyber security experts in the UK. This tech summer camp will offer ethical hacking classes that could set your teenager on the route to a very interesting career.




#8: Java Coder – Ages 11 to 16


Java is one of the most popular programming languages currently used worldwide. If a teenager understands Java, there’s every chance it could lead to an advantage with their future career.

We believe that by mastering code at a young age, teenagers an learn how to innovate with the ever-growing technology that surrounds them.

The secret to becoming a good coder is not merely in knowing coding constructs, it is more about how and where you use them in delivering elegant solutions to problems.

This teen summer camp offers a fast-paced coding environment, with the end result being an interesting game-based project for them to take home.



#9: Touch Typing with FunTyper – Ages 7 to 16

Touch typing can help teenagers them with their school and college work. But, it can also give them an advantage in later life when it comes to exploring job opportunities. Many jobs now require quick typing skills. With advances in technology that’s set to become even more important.

This teen summer camp will give your child a skill for life, but just because it’s typing, please don’t think it will be a dull week.

We use a program called FunTyper which is a games platform with a huge amount of variety. Your teenager will play a range of games for prizes, take part in challenges, and participate in tutor-led activities.

Our tutors are superb motivators, and we’ve provided a ton of challenges and activities to keep kids interested while they learn. Tutors keep a sharp eye out to make sure correct typing technique and good posture are always adhered to.

Our touch-typing lessons for teenagers are fun, interactive, and will keep your child entertained and busy all day!


Why coding and tech is important for teens

All of the FunTech summer camps for teens have a core STEM focus, with many of them relating to coding and programming skills.

We believe that every parent should encourage their children to learn coding skills. Not only can it help them get ahead at school but could also improve their future job prospects.

You can read more about why coding for kids is so important in this blog post, but here’s just a taster of just a few of the benefits.

  • Helps with school and academic performance.
  • Helps with maths and logical problem solving.
  • Helps with writing skills & creativity.
  • Helps with confidence.
  • It’s quite simply fun!
  • It isn’t just about computers.
  • It’s the language of the world.
  • Helps with core soft skills.
  • Helps to change the world.
  • Helps kids with storytelling.
  • Helps kids achieve their dreams.
  • Coding summer classes can keep your kids busy.
  • Helps to future proof your child’s job prospects.

Why book a teen summer tech camp with FunTech?

Our day camps are ideal for teenagers who want to learn and for parents who want to help their children possibly have a brighter future.

When you book with FunTech you benefit from:

  • Average 8 students per tutor
  • Ofsted registered.
  • Childcare vouchers accepted.
  • 9am to 5pm times.
  • Structured (and fun) learning.
  • Over 21 years of experience.

FunTech coding summer camps are a fun way to keep your teenager happy and engaged, whist helping them to prepare for a digital future.

We are proud of the results our pupils go on to achieve.

In fact, in 2017, 75% of FunTech students achieved A* and A grades for GCSE Computer Science. That’s way above the national average of 20.6%.

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