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Coding, Summer Camps

How Do You Explain Machine Learning to a Kid?

According to IBM, machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate how humans learn, gradually improving the accuracy of the computer’s decision-making process....

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27th May 2022

Tech Courses

After School Clubs: Online & Virtual Computer Clubs & Lessons

When school’s out for the day and you have your child home and fed with the obligatory snack, how best can you keep them entertained? Well, aside from the traditional after school activities that kids love to take part in such as play,...

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25th August 2021

Touch typing

How Typing Skills Can Lead to a Career

We previously wrote about how touch typing is an essential skill that all kids should learn. So many future careers will depend on typing ability to succeed, but there are also some jobs that rely on just typing skills alone. If you...

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24th August 2021


What Careers Use Robotics in Their Daily Work?

As technology advances, more and more jobs are using robotics in their daily work. Industries all over the globe are beginning to invest into robotics which in turn can open up new career opportunities. With this increase in demand,...

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24th August 2021


Is Robotics a Good Career Choice or Path for Kids?

Robotics plays a critical role in how workplaces function all over the world, taking care of time-consuming or dangerous tasks, or being used to analyse and collect important data. With an ever-increasing demand for those who have...

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24th August 2021

Tech Courses

Is Graphic Design a Good Career Choice?

Graphic design is fast becoming one of the most popular career choices for teenagers. Not only are there jobs in busy and creative offices, but also the freedom to work from home as freelancer, setting working hours and choosing...

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23rd August 2021


Do Programmers Need a Degree?

Over the last decade, programming skills have become more in demand than ever. The reason for this? It’s the digital era we live in, where our phones, televisions, washing machines all require coding to work properly.   Without...

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23rd August 2021

Summer Camps

8 Reasons Why Roblox is Educational for Kids

As a parent, you’ve no doubt heard of Roblox. It’s a unique computer gaming platform. But did you know that it can also be a great learning tool? From academic to social skills, the games in Roblox and processes behind which children...

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27th July 2021

Summer Camps

Summer Camps in London for 2021

It can be tough to arrange activities for your kids over the summer holidays. It’s even more so when you’ve got your own work commitments or busy life to manage. With that in mind, have you ever considered signing them up to a summer...

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27th July 2021


Do Programmers Need to Type Fast?

“Do programmers need to type fast?” Throughout the last ten years or more, this question has become increasingly popular, regularly popping up on forum boards and websites such as Quora and Reddit. Evidently t is clear to see that many...

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27th July 2021