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198 Reviews

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Student, Torin, 10
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
6 April, 2018


It was fun to play and in the long run my typing has improved a lot. It can make sometimes make me frustrated and I have been to funtech a lot.

Student, Leo, 8
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
21 December, 2017


I learnt a lot but half of it I aleady knew. Like I know lots about Scratch. Lego robotics is similar to Scratch

Student, Adam, 11
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
27 October, 2017


this was a very good course it helps you with your typing a lot it teaches you the correct fingers to use when you type and quickens your typing a lot the bad part of this is that it gets very fustrating and boring, some games take ages up to 10 minutes and when you loose all of your lives on...


Student, Jackson, 11
Residential Camp
Python - Coder
25 August, 2017


My review of FunTech is that it is pretty good but the camp that i attended (Python Coder) can be a little boring at times.
Everything else (Activities etc.) was really fun and i especially enjoyed game night where we all sat down and played video games.

Student, Leo, 10
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
24 August, 2017

fun tech rules

it rules

Student, James, 8
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
24 August, 2017

fun-techs funtyper review

in my opinion funtyper is a amazing way to learn to touch-type you're not just learning ,most of the games are very fun and you're not sitting behind a desk all day you have 7 breaks where you play games at lunch we go to the park. I recommend this because it is a great thing to learn.

Student, N/a, 85
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
24 August, 2017



Student, Mihyar, 18
In-Person Camp
Java Coder Level 2
24 August, 2017

3/5 it was ok

it was alright

Student, Simran, 14
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
24 August, 2017

I learnt a lot of new things

python coder was helpful to me as a new coder

Student, Robert, 9
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
24 August, 2017


its cool

Student, Maddie, 11
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
24 August, 2017

touch typing

okay not great

Student, Adamz, 9
In-Person Camp
17 August, 2017


It WaS gOoD

Student, James, 14
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Mod Developer
17 August, 2017

I like it tiny bit

I like it little bit more than camp I like because it's cool when i go to the summer tech camp i like to go back to my own school I will come to this next year in 5 weeks . I will come back .

Student, Oli, 8
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
17 August, 2017

Lego robots is cool

Good but could have been better

Student, Ayaan, 9
Residential Camp
Minecraft - Mod Developer
11 August, 2017

i dont know lol

its fun but I'm more advanced and NO MULTIPLAYER!!!! :[

Student, Edmund, 14
In-Person Camp
Java - Coder
10 August, 2017

Good support

They always make sure you understand the work.

Student, Vince, 0
Residential Camp
Minecraft - Mod Developer
4 August, 2017


I enjoyed minecraft with mods but in the future could you add making models ( like planes ) to our mods

Student, Taimaru, 14
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
3 August, 2017

review of funtech

this camp was good, most of the tutors were good.

Student, Dafna, 8
In-Person Camp
Scratch - Coder
27 July, 2017


The food was the worst but the club was not bad.It was great.

FunTech Response
Sadly we have no control on the food as the Jewish Centre have to provide food because if the strict rules.

Student, Millicent kate, 9
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
6 April, 2017

Lego Robotics Course Level 1

I thought that the course was good, apart from all the boys in my group were incredibly rowdy. I would suggest that if you are an explorer or you don't build lego at home, this isn't a course for you. Although , if you build lego and always use the instructions then this is the course for you. I ...


Student, Ben, 9
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
18 August, 2016

GREAT CAMP quite hard

Great camp, but quite hard and also some bits are easy

Student, Rufus, 7
In-Person Camp
Indie Game - Coder
12 August, 2016



Student, Nickleby, 12
In-Person Camp
Java - Coder
11 August, 2016

Amazing summer camp...

The camp has been informative and fun in equal measures. I really recommend it.

Student, Jackson, 12
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
11 August, 2016

it was ok

It was ok but when you get to a certain stage I can't get past. But I think overall it was a good camp.

Student, Alexander, 14
Residential Camp
Java Coder Level 2
5 August, 2016

MY Review

FUNtech is FUN

Student, Tejas, 8
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
5 August, 2016

awsome but boring

Lots of programming at brake time we go to the park instead of going to laser tag and bowling people stare like we are going to eat the world.

Student, Tejas, 8
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
5 August, 2016

awsome but boring

lots of programming at brake time we go to the park instead of going to laser tag and bowling people stare like we are going to eat the world.

Student, Gabriel, 8
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
4 August, 2016

gabriel,s review

Funtech is very efficent for learning how to do coding, making games and programming robots but over the computer based; Funtech has made its place in London.

Student, Joshua, 11
In-Person Camp
Java - Coder
21 July, 2016


I learned a whole lot more when I came out of the room. Not bad. Very challenging to start but got easier when the week progressed. Some bits were hard but I understood in the end.

Student, Mihyar, 17
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
8 April, 2016


I came here to improve my typing and they managed to give me what I asked for.

Student, Liam, 12
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
8 April, 2016


The staff are nice and helpful but the course is overpriced and we were misled to believe that it was 'fun'. Also, I think that for the price we're paying, they should provide lunch because we have been working really hard and deserve hot food. Other than that, most of the students were nice and ...


Student, Torin, 7
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
18 December, 2015

Minecraft Redstone

It was awesome

Student, Erin
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
28 August, 2015

Minecraft Redstone course in Reading

Really enjoyed the minecrafting and learning.But the group was more advanced than me

Student, Kieran, 9
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
28 August, 2015


it was good! I enjoyed the park at lunch time

Student, Harry, 8
In-Person Camp
FunTyper Essentials
28 August, 2015


I LOVE the GAMES, also it was very hard. My typing has improved quite a bit, the letters get harder as you go on but I was able to do it. I liked the activities because on Thursday we got to go swimming. I found the tutors helpful.

Student, Louise, 10
In-Person Camp
3D Game Design - Developer
14 August, 2015


It is fine. I wouldn't recommend it if you aren't into guns. You create a game of your own on your last 2 days. The rest of the days you learn how to use the program. When we arrived the windows weren't open and lights weren't on. But it is really good if you enjoy fighting people on computers. T...


Student, Jerry
In-Person Camp
Java - Coder
7 August, 2015

jerry's review

As a student of funtech camp doing java coder I think that the teachers are 60% amazing but 40%harsh because i feel they push you a bit too hard and they also expect a bit too much of me especially because i am ten (the youngest the class) plus we are on summer holidays but mostly its a fun and ...


Student, Big
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
7 August, 2015


as the only 16 year old I think I did the best I found out how to connect redstone togerther

Student, Joe
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
24 July, 2015


Boring, but OK

Student, Raul
In-Person Camp
Java - Coder
24 July, 2015

OK ish

The java coder was a bit basic. It shouldnt be that expensive. I hope all the other camps are better. If you are good at java I think you should go straight to the Minecraft Mods course

Student, Harriette
In-Person Camp
FunTyper Essentials
24 July, 2015


Fun Tech was very fun and it was full of fun activities

Student, Gabriela alexieva
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
24 July, 2015

MY experience and opinion on Minecraft camp

So far I have enjoyed everything about this camp especially when we played/trolled each other in Minecraft. I would give it a 5 star but I did not enjoy the long long trip to the park. I also struggled to understand all of the gates as it could be explained it physically. Overall it was a tremen...


Student, Luke
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
22 August, 2014

Residential Funtech Redstone

Ive Learnt A Lot From This Camp And Im Quite Sad Its Ending. The Teachers Are Good And The Facilities Are Good

Student, Jeffery
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
22 August, 2014


I did the touch typing course in the summer holidays. I found it hard to improve my WPM speed by a lot. The symbols later on were a bit harder. Nevertheless, I found the course very enjoyable and the teacher was very nice. I will continue to learn it for the next three months. There were 3 breaks...


Student, Barclay
In-Person Camp
LEGO Robotics - Coder
15 August, 2014



Student, Anon
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
15 August, 2014


i love this camp and would definitely come again but i would recommend this for slightly older years. Overall i loved it.

Student, Daniel
In-Person Camp
Java - Coder
15 August, 2014


Java coder is great but the only thing is the work is so tirering.

Student, Toly
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Redstone Engineer
8 August, 2014


it gets a bit boring sometime but helps me do more redstone which I do alot