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Up to £200 OFF Summer 2025 Camps

Limited Spaces Book Now

Roblox Game Developer

Age guide: 9 to 12

Flexi Fees Virtual Fees

Parts 1 & 2: Full Course £445 £545

Play and Learn at our Roblox Coding Camp 

At this Roblox summer camp, we take the popular gaming platform Roblox to teach digital skills and programming concepts. Whether your child is a Roblox regular or beginner, they will learn how to create an obstacle course and kart racing game during a fun week of experimentation, creativity and real-world physics. At the end of the Roblox camp week, your child will learn how to publish their projects, so they can share it with friends. 

Virtual course format

Our camps have been restructured into two parts that can be taken as one week courses.

  Mon - Fri
Part 1
Beginner to Intermediate
AM or PM
Part 2
AM or PM
Part 1 & 2
Beginner to Advanced
Full Day*


* Recommended for older children

What your child will learn

  • Project setup, adding models and media
  • How to create an obstacle course
  • Elements of 3D level design (platforms, spawn areas, hazards, power-ups)
  • Game logic using LUA
  • Fundamental programming concepts (variables, functions)
  • Publishing on Roblox
  • Terrain shaping
  • Real world physics (speed, torque, friction)

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Tech requirements

    Chromebooks and iPads are not supported

Internet speed requirements

  • 5Mbps download speed and 3Mbps upload speed (per user)
  • If using FunTech Virtual Machine at least 6Mbps download speed and 6Mbps upload speed; lower speeds will work, but the quality of the remote computer experience will deteriorate (per user)

Find internet speed:  Test my speed

Minimum system requirements

  • OS: 64-bit Windows 7 or later or OS X 10.9 or later
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-3210 / AMD A8-7600 APU or equivalent 
  • Memory: 4GB (4,096MB) RAM
  • Free HDD space: 1GB 
  • Graphics requirements known as GPU (Graphics Processing Unit): any GPU that supports OpenGL 4.4
  • Hardware: keyboard, mouse, and headset with microphone
  • Admin access required

Find your computers’ tech specs:  Windows  |  Mac


Course software must be installed before the start of the camp. Instructions on how to do this will be in your FunTech Parent Portal and includes free technical support.

If the software is not installed prior to the start of the camp, then your child will miss some of the course and there may be an additional charge to catch up on missed content.

About this camp

The excitement of your first Roblox Game Design class starts with an introduction to Roblox Studio and setting up their project.

From there, Students of Roblox Game Developer (ages 9 to 12) will create an obstacle course filled with moving platforms, explosive hazards, and more! They’ll also have an introduction to programming concepts such as variables that are transferrable to any language they choose to move onto later in life.

After adding the finishing touches (power-ups, of course!) they’ll learn how to publish their game and share it with friends. Then it’s time for the masterpiece: a kart racing game. Whose terrain will be the most challenging? Whose kart will have the most realistic physics? Everyone will have to play each other’s game to find out.

Roblox Game Developer provides a world of possibility that can help your child unleash their creativity and build skills for the future using a game they already know and love.

To find a Roblox summer camp near you, scroll down and click the book button.

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