A few years ago large numbers of students had to use online classes instead of face-to-face lessons, due to the global pandemic. Since then online learning has increased in popularity and use, as so many people got used to it, and were happy to learn this way.
In the past, this choice might have been one taken by students wanting the ability to study at their own pace, and the freedoms associated with choosing their schedule from the comfort of their home.
Although face-to-face learning has always been touted as an effective form of teaching, it is clear that more and more students are becoming uncomfortable with this idea.
The popularity of online learning is also likely to increase into the future, with the Covid-19 effect already drastically altering how many schools and universities operate, even today. Whether face-to-face learning returns to what it once was , remains unclear, but we suspect not.
Plus, many teachers are finding themselves adept at holding their lessons online, with this change often saving them from the headaches associated with preparing physical lessons and conducting them in a classroom.
Seemingly, across the world, online learning has begun to gain traction as a legitimate and highly effective way for mentors to teach their pupils.
However, how effective is online learning vs face to face learning? Is it as beneficial as more traditional methods of teaching? Or is it all hyperbole?
In this short guide, we will take a look at what the evidence suggests, and answer a question that many parents and students are beginning to ask – is online learning as good as face-to-face learning?
And before we begin, for full disclosure, FunTech offer both online lessons virtually, and classroom events. Your child could be enrolled on either depending on your choice.
Why online learning is so effective
Online learning can be effective for many reasons. First and foremost, as previously stated, it often allows students to be flexible with their learning schedules, taking away some of the stress associated with having to follow a rigid timetable week after week.
Alongside this, there is evidence indicating that adults, and possibly younger people too, could learn and memorise up to 5x more material through online learning than more traditional methods.
However, more research is needed to properly understand why this is the case, and whether it applies to teens and children. If so, online courses could be a great way for kids and adults to pick up additional skills outside of the classroom, such as languages.
Online learning also allows students to communicate and work with people all around the world, from different and varied backgrounds.
This helps children and adults develop an understanding of many different cultures. Working with different nationalities can also be a great way for youngsters to broaden their global perspective and realise that there is a bigger world outside their community.
Finally, online learning is purportedly better for the environment. Unlike face-to-face learning, students are not required to travel to and from their school or university campus, saving on potential pollution.
Recent research has shown that online courses are associated with a 90% and 85% reduction in energy and Co2 emissions compared to courses conducted in person.
The advantages of face-to-face learning
Whilst online learning is quickly catching up with face-to-face learning in popularity, the latter still has some advantages. For example, online, it can be difficult for students in the same class to foster connections with their peers or mentors.
However, in a classroom, students often naturally develop strong connections with those around them over time, leading to improved performance in group projects and in exams.
Likewise, at home, students are sometimes at a higher risk of losing focus and motivation compared to when they are at school or university.
However, it is important to note that this does depend on the personality of the student, with those of a more introverted personality being inclined to prefer a quieter and personal environment than their extroverted counterparts.
Lastly, traditional forms of learning are often more dynamic than online learning, with teachers being able to deliver more flexible content and answer questions immediately without any sort of delay.
Similarly, unlike online learning, students do not have to limit their questions to blurb to give their teachers and peers time to respond.
Which is better, face to face learning or online learning?
The truth is, there is no real concrete answer to which is the more effective form of learning, online or face to face. Both have their disadvantages and advantages, with face-to-face being the more attractive option for those who wish to study alongside people, and online learning for those who are looking for a more flexible way of learning.
That being said, it is clear that online learning has progressed massively since its first inception, and with time, it could potentially become the more dominant and popular method of learning.
At FunTech, our students can do both. Explore our courses to find out more.