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Minecraft Modding Class: Check Now for Availability on Our Kid’s Modding Lessons

Minecraft modding for kids has grown massively in popularity over the last 5 years. But it’s also just one aspect of this game that lends itself particularly well to education. Modding lets children learn fundamental skills that could be key to their future career success. And right now, it could even help them get ahead with their current curriculum subjects (see how it’s considered educational).

Companies such as our own have developed Minecraft modding classes that help kids learn how to mod or take their existing skills to the next level. You can check the currently availability in our virtual courses section.

What is Minecraft modding for kids for kids?

Minecraft modifications or “mods” let players make changes to the original gameplay of the popular game. Mods can include things as basic as making colour changes to game elements, through to coding new and enhanced functionality.

The modding of Minecraft has become one of the most popular aspects to the game, with kids around the world actively getting involved and drawing inspiration from their heroes on YouTube.

Mods can be downloaded by kids, recreated by copying YouTube videos, or developed from scratch by players. However, creating your own mods can be quite complex, particular ones that are going to really spice up the existing gameplay.

Book a Minecraft modding class 

Many kids need help from specialist Minecraft tutors who can guide them through the entire process of modding with Minecraft from start to finish… and this is exactly what FunTech offers with our Minecraft modding classes.

Our most popular Minecraft modding class is detailed below.

Minecraft with Mods classes – ages 7 to 10

This Minecraft modding class will teach them how to mod (modify) Minecraft by understanding how blocks, items, creatures and the Minecraft world itself works in the backend.

The Minecraft modding classes for kids are available either in an online format, or in real physical classrooms at our summer camps across various UK locations:

During the classes, the expert Minecraft tutor will help them discover how to create and configure properties, functions and textures of these fundamental elements of the game.

When teaching Minecraft modding to kids, our tutors explain how to use functions to determine how a mod performs; kids are only really limited by their own imagination – and our tutors will encourage and draw this out of them.

During the lessons, kids can learn modding tasks such as making it rain sheep or creating an explosion when you step on a special block!

In short, once the kids have been modding in our Minecraft classes they will be able to design, implement and test a variety of different types of mods – unleashing an unlimited number of exciting possibilities to explore.

Minecraft Engineering classes – ages 9 to 12

We also have a Minecraft engineering class that is aimed at slight older children. Again, this is available either as an online class, or from summer camp locations around the UK;

During this class, kids are taken on a amazing voyage through the fundamentals of electronics. Classes start off by explaining the concepts of binary, and then use truth tables to learn about different logic gates and their possible outputs.

Once these gates have been mastered, kids are then taught how to combine them to develop real-world applications. Led by our specialist Minecraft tutors, these classes will give kids a far more advanced understanding of how everything reduces back down to Binary.

How the FunTech Minecraft classes work

We run either online Minecraft modding lessons or have kids attend our day camps during the summer months. Here’s a brief explainer on how both formats work.

Online Minecraft classes

Our tutor-led virtual Minecraft lessons are designed to keep your child mentally active and engaged, all from the safety of your own home.

When you sign up to an online Minecraft coding class, you do so safe in the knowledge that all class are run through the safe and secure FunTech Virtual Learning Platform. You can find out more about the structure and specifics in this overview.

Unlike other online Minecraft lessons, you might have seen, ours are not pre-recorded classes. Instead your child can login, view the schedules, and can get started learning how to code and mod in a virtual classroom environment with other kids and a real tutor.

Kids are able to ask questions, hear the answers, and more:

  • Instant audio and text communication.
  • Ability to chat with the class or privately to a tutor.
  • Kids can follow tutors through the course and see practical demonstrations
  • Screen sharing and remote access available.
  • A maximum of 12 students per classroom for focussed lessons.
  • Immediate and intuitive feedback from tutors.

To see how the technology works, please watch our video below:

Summer day camp Minecraft classes

We also run kids’ Minecraft modding lessons in a more traditional classroom environment across a wide range of locations through the UK – explore our locations here.

Our day camps are perfect for kids who want to learn how to mod with Minecraft, plus for parents who want their children in a safe and secure environment across the summer.

When you book with FunTech you benefit from:

  • 8:1 pupil / teacher ratio.
  • Ofsted registered.
  • DBS-checked tutors.
  • Childcare vouchers accepted.
  • 9am to 5pm times.
  • Structured (and fun) learning.
  • Over 21 years of experience.

For a more in-depth definition of what to expect from a Minecraft modding camp, read this explainer.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our Minecraft modding lessons and current availability for you child, please Our classes and camps do get booked up quickly, so please get in touch with us. We can answer any further questions you might have.

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