Lego holiday camp Northwood
13th June, 2016
Do you love Lego? Have you grown up with Lego? Ever considered enrolling on a holiday camp during the holidays?
13th June, 2016
Do you love Lego? Have you grown up with Lego? Ever considered enrolling on a holiday camp during the holidays?
06th June, 2016
Tech summer camps for children give young people the opportunity to get creative with technology, developing new and diverse skills which will serve them well in the future.
30th May, 2016
Are your children Minecraft-mad? If your child would rather be immersed in the world of Minecraft than the real world, why not turn that obsession into something more constructive?
23rd May, 2016
From learning how to code to mastering touch-typing, there are many holiday courses for children when they’re not at school. Learning shouldn’t be confined to inside the school gates.
16th May, 2016
Keen to master some cutting-edge technology skills? Do you want to get ahead of the game, develop your computing knowledge and get those creative juices flowing? Well, now you can, on one of FunTech’s creative courses for children.
09th May, 2016
Are you already a passionate gamer, eager for a new type of challenge? You might be a wiz at playing computer games but why not turn your love for computer games into something a little bit more constructive and eye-opening? Have you considered learning the elements involved in 3D digital design?
06th May, 2016
Are you a video gaming fanatic? Are you never happier than sitting around a board game with friends and family? If games, games, games are your thing then you shouldn’t miss our Absolute Blast Gaming Weekend.
26th April, 2016
The terms ‘boarding camp’ or ‘residential camp’ probably sound rather appealing to the parent who’d like a little bit of peace and quiet over the long school holidays, and FunTech has the answer.
11th April, 2016
Having a handful of tech skills under your belt can’t fail to help your child in later life. Not only will they be naturally more tech-savvy and open to new technological innovations but they’ll be able to pick things up more quickly.
04th April, 2016
Have you always wanted to build your own robot, and programme it to do different things? Have you always wanted to master coding? You can do all these things on one of FunTech’s holiday camps.