Are you a video gaming fanatic? Are you never happier than sitting around a board game with friends and family? If games, games, games are your thing then you shouldn’t miss our Absolute Blast Gaming Weekend.
On this gaming weekend you’ll be able to meet other like-minded individuals and have fun in a friendly, stimulating environment. It’s also the ideal way to introduce you to all that FunTech has to offer with our computer holiday camps and tech courses for children.
Perhaps you’re a computer-nut keen to take on a tech-based challenge? FunTech Onboard is for students who want to extend their summer tech camp activities and continue with their computer studies all-year round. If you really want to master some vital tech skills, then this is for you.
Keen to extend your computer knowledge with one of our courses or holiday camps? It’s never too early or too late to get learning in your own time away from school. Not only will you acquire new skills, but you’ll likely pick up some new friends too.