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Touch typing holiday camps for children

22nd February, 2016

Keen to make sure your young son or daughter picks up some vital skills while they’re still at school? Though your child’s learning a broad spectrum of academic subjects at school there are additional opportunities for learning new subjects available outside of school hours, opportunities which can ignite your child’s imagination and equip them with an array of new and useful skills. Tech skills. 

Our holiday camps here at FunTech can do just that. Offering both day camps and residential camps, if your child is showing signs of promise with computers and is eager to learn new skills then why not let him or her attend one of our camps? The day camps are held at different locations across the UK, so you can choose the venue most convenient for you, while our residential camps currently take place in Tonbridge. 

If your son or daughter has so far failed to master the art of typing accurately at a reasonable speed then our touch typing FunTyper intensive course might prove ideal. Not only will your child be learning in an interactive environment with other like-minded young people, but he or she will be able to develop their knowledge of all-things tech. 

Find out more about our holiday camps here

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