Does your child want to learn new tech skills alongside their schooling or even during the Summer holidays? Here at FunTech, we stand for advanced and dynamic learning for children between the ages of 6-18 years. We're widely known for our ability to teach computer, technology and coding skills at our main tech academies in Maidenhead and Hampstead, but our Summer tech camps 2017 could be near you.
The key attraction with our holiday tech camps is that we educate the children outside of the school environment with teaching techniques that will offer them the best level of education. We endeavour to make our ICT courses engaging and exciting to all children who come to learn with us.
Our tech holiday camps for 2017 will be available to attend during the half terms in February, April and October, and of course during the 6 weeks of the Summer Holidays.
Even if our tech camps are too far for you in terms of distance, your child can still experience our state-of-the-art tech courses with our FunTech Virtual Labs. This virtual learning allows our students full access to our courses from home, wherever they are.
You can find out more about our new holiday tech camps for 2017 by taking a look through our new courses, these include Scratch, Python Coder, Unreal Game Design and Lego Robotic Level 2.