Do you need to find holiday computer coding courses for children? Here at FunTech, we offer an array of holiday tech courses; which are ideal for your children to not only be cared for during their holiday, but to gain useful knowledge to shape their future.
With holiday courses in Richmond, Westminster, Hampstead, Maidenhead, Tonbridge, St Albans and Chester (more to follow), you can be confident that we have a holiday tech camp for your child to experience during their time off school.
We open a great variety of summer and holiday camps in the UK each year. As the days go by now, we are expanding our offerings and opening new camps in new locations.
We endeavour to offer the latest tech courses and skills – one of which is our fun Scratch Programming. It’s a quality holiday coding course for children which gives them the introduction needed to excel in coding. The learning objective for our course is program design, graphical programming and game logic. Our adventurous Scratch coding will entice creativity, critical & logical thinking, experimentation and computer literacy.
If our tech holiday camps are not near you and your child would really thrive under our tech courses, then let us know and we will investigate the opportunity of running a camp near you.