Master the skill of level and multiplayer game design!
Using Minecraft as a progressive learning platform, your child will create advanced level and multiplayer game environments using the most up-to-date back end features. Your child will nest a game inside a game by learning how to use the very latest features such as new commands, functions and data packs. They will also learn game design theory and how to work with best practice. The end result: a fully functional multilevel, multiplayer Minecraft game.
Intermediate to Advanced Skills
Choose the camp option that’s right for you
Chromebooks and iPads are not supported
Important - Software Installation
Minimum system requirements
Laptops cannot be rented upon arrival at the camp.
If you prefer, you can rent a laptop from FunTech with all the software pre-installed for £70 per week. This will be an optional extra during the booking process.
Focusing on the latest and more complex features of Minecraft together with the newly reworked command system, your child will learn fundamental programming constructs required to design and build a ‘game world’ in which their game will take place. This game will have multiple states using the principles of the FSM (finite state machine). Using Minecraft Java edition, your child’s game will be playable on a LAN (local area network) with family and friends.
Choose the camp option that’s right for you
Absolutely. We accept a number of childcare voucher schemes. Please see our childcare voucher page for more details.
Our summer camps last for 5 days, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm (we do not offer single or 3 day camps). There is an option for early drop off (8:30am) and/or late pick up (5:30pm) each day.
Our residential camps vary slightly as we welcome students to check-in on Sunday at 5:00pm, Show & Tell is 4pm on Friday for Residential with children leaving from 4:40pm.
Please note: some locations’ start/end times may be vary: please check your welcome pack for specific details.
We take pride in delivering courses that are both academic and most importantly, fun. No matter which class, your child will come away having learnt a lot, but not through ‘rote.’. We have top quality tutors who are great at engaging children and inspiring them. This is not about ‘playing games’ all day.
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